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Terms and Conditions


Sleep Out welcomes pupils from all sections of the community. All candidates for admission will be treated equally, irrespective of their or their parents’ race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin.


Although there is no acceptance criteria, children are expected to subscribe to the aims and ethos and code of conduct of Sleep Out. If a child has a physical disability or specific learning need, there will be careful discussion to see if the child’s needs can be met by the Sleep Out venue with reasonable adjustment where necessary. The child should always be able to participate without feeling demoralised through lack of achievement. Sleep Out reserves the right to refuse admission to a child at any age if it is felt that, for any reason, the admission of the child would be to the detriment of him or herself, or of others.


Admission is subject to the Managers of Sleep Out reserving the right to require parents to remove permanently a child from the venue, if the Manager considers that the child’s progress or behaviour (including behaviour outside Sleep Out) is seriously unacceptable and if, in the reasonable opinion of the Manager, the removal of a child is in the Sleep Out venue’s best interests, or those of that child or other children.


All children seeking a place at Sleep Out should be registered by completing a registration form



Sibling Discounts

Where at least two siblings attend one of our venues, we offer a 10% sibling discount. The sibling discount will apply to the elder children’s Fees.


Corporate Discounts:

We offer a range of corporate discounts, and details of these are available on request.

Please note that we reserve the right to withdraw or alter a discount at any time, on written notice to you.

In order to access a discount, we may require you to complete an application form and, from time to time, provide such documents as we may reasonably require in order to verify your ongoing eligibility for such discount.



The fees for the Services will be as set out in our fee sheet (“Fees”). We reserve the right to adjust the Fees annually to reflect increases in our costs of providing the Services. We will give you not less than six weeks’ prior notice in writing of the Fee adjustment.


The Fees include the provision of a healthy, balanced breakfast, and snacks. Our menu details can be found here

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Fees are calculated on the charge for the sessions booked (as set out in the Registration Form).


All Fees are charged in advance and must be paid by bank transfer or credit/debit card at the time of booking

For the avoidance of doubt, the Fees are payable during periods of absence including, without limitation, sickness and failure to give 48 hours’ notice to cancel a session.


Sleep Out opening and closing times must be observed as they form part of our conditions and impact legal, contractual and wellbeing commitments to staff. Our designated opening and closing times for each of our venues are set out at ….. Hyperlink We cannot provide Services before the designated opening time, and you will be refused entry to the venue. If you collect your child after the designated closing time, you will be liable to pay a surcharge of £15.00 for every 15 minutes, or part thereof, following the designated closing time. For the avoidance of doubt, if you are 1-15 minutes late, you will be charged £15.00 and if you are 16-30 minutes late, you will be charged £30.00 etc.


Child Safety And Well Being:

If your child becomes unwell whilst in our care, we will contact you, or the emergency contact detailed on the Registration Form. If we consider that the child is not well enough to remain at Sleep Out, you will be requested to arrange collection of your child as soon as possible.


In the event a child is unwell at home, please do not bring the child to Sleep Out and please inform us of the reason for the absence. A copy of our Health, Medicines and Infectious Diseases policy is available as part of the Health & Safety Policy and details our duty to communicate any communicable diseases, where applicable, to all relevant employees and parents at the Sleep Out venue, while protecting the identity of the child.


Every effort will be made to meet the unique needs of every child, working in partnership with other agencies as appropriate. If, despite our reasonable efforts, we cannot meet the needs of the child, we reserve the right to immediately terminate the Contract, and withdraw the child’s place.


You have a duty of care to notify us, in writing as soon as possible, of any changes to a child’s special diet or medical condition, to ensure all appropriate measures are implemented at Sleep Out, and required paperwork is updated. Any relevant information from a third party in relation to the child’s medical or dietary condition must also be shared with the Sleep Out venue.


Under legislation, we are legally required to report immediately any significant safeguarding or wellbeing concerns about children in our care to the local authority safeguarding team and, where appropriate, to Ofsted. In these exceptional cases, we are required to follow the instructions provided by the experts involved (which may include a requirement not to inform you of such report).


Treatment Of Staff:

We do not tolerate, under any circumstances, behaviour which is deemed to be threatening, abusive or violent towards our management or staff teams. Such behaviour may be reported to the police; result in the refusal to allow a person back on any of our premises in the future.


If you have any cause for complaint about any of our locations or our staff, please contact us via email.


Notice Periods:

To effectively manage Sleep Out staffing and resourcing, you must provide us with at least 48 hours notice if you wish to cancel a session, failure to do so will result in full charge of the session. If 48 hours or more is given then the session can be deferred to another available date/venue. If you require a refund this will need to be applied for and each situation will be assessed under it’s own merit.



In the event that the individual Sleep Out venue at which the Services are offered (as set out in the Registration Form) needs to be temporarily or permanently closed, subject to availability, we will endeavour to offer an alternative place at one of our other venues. If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to offer a place at an alternative location, we reserve the right to terminate the booking. If we offer you a place at an alternative location, but that location is not convenient for you, you may terminate the booking



Closures: We shall not be in breach of the Contract nor liable for any delay or failure (in whole or in part) to perform any of our obligations under the Contract if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond our reasonable control (including, without limitation, transport strikes, severe and adverse weather conditions, personal ill health or acts of terrorism) which necessitate the closure of a Sleep Out venue. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, refunds are not issued for such closures.


Limitation of Liability: If we fail to comply with the Contract, we are responsible for any loss or damage that you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of the Contract or our failure to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the Contract was made, both parties knew it might happen. We will compensate you (or the child in our care) for any loss or damage to you or the child if we fail to carry out duties imposed on us by law (including in relation to death or personal injury caused by our negligence), unless such failure is attributable to:

8.2.1 your or the child’s own fault;

8.2.2 a third party unconnected with the provision of the Services under this Contract; or

8.2.3 events which we could not have foreseen even if we had taken all reasonable care.

8.3 Possessions: Our premises are used by other children and the parents, carers, and guardians of other children. Therefore, we do not recommend that any valuable possessions are brought onto our premises, and we are not liable for any loss or damage to such possessions.

8.4 Insurance: Details of our insurance cover, as required by law, are available from Sleep Out and copies are displayed on the notice board at the Sleep Out venue, or on request.

8.5 Variation: It may be necessary to adapt our Terms and Conditions to reflect changes in law or new arrangements and fees relating to the provision of the Services. We will notify you of any impending changes by email and an announcement on our company website ( at least six weeks prior to their implementation.

8.6 Personal Data: Please see our Privacy Notice, which can be found at: and which explains how we collect, store and use personal data about you and your children.

8.7 Assignment: We may at any time transfer our rights and obligations under the Contract to another organisation. You may only transfer your rights or obligations under the Contract to another person with our written consent.

8.8 Third Party Rights: This Contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

8.9 Severance: Each of the paragraphs of these Terms and Conditions operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

8.10 Waiver: If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under the Contract, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking the Contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things or prevents us from taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you are late paying and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the Services, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.

8.11 Entire Agreement: These Terms and Conditions and the Registration Form constitute the entire agreement between the you

and us and supersede and extinguish all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between you and us, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.

8.12 Writing: A reference to “writing” or “written” includes email.

8.13 Governing Law and Jurisdiction: The Contract is governed by English law and you shall bring any legal proceedings in respect of the Contract in the English courts.

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